Ramsbury & Aldbourne Bowls Club


It is not essential to join the club as a member as you can come as often as you wish to play the 1 hour long Bows Bash game charged at £5.00 per adult and £3.00 for Juniors (12 – 17). However, you should be aware that you may well become addicted to bowls and wish to join. If this should happen to you, we will offer a discount on your membership fee depending on how many Bowls Bash games you have played!

Our membership fees are currently as follows:

Full Bowling Membership is for bowlers over the age of 18 and is £115.00 per year with no other fees to pay.

Junior Bowling Membership is for bowlers, accepted by the membership committee, who are aged 12 – 17 and is £45.00 per year.

Social Membership is for non-bowlers who wish to attend the club and take part in the social activities and is £20.00 per year.

Members with Disabilities. Unlike most other sports, bowlers of all ages and abilities with a physical, sensory or learning (Intellectual) Disability are able to play alongside fellow members. The Joining fee is £40.00 per year.
For more details regarding bowling with disabilities visit – https://www.disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk

How to become a member of the Ramsbury & Aldbourne Bowls Club.

If you are already a bowler, please contact the membership secretary.

You can click here to view/download our Membership Form but you don’t need to apply for membership until you have come to visit the club and try bowling.

If you are new to bowling, see our Come Bowling page

Ramsbury & Aldbourne Bowls Club
Ramsbury & Aldbourne Bowls Club